Monday 5 May 2014

perogies, farmer sausage, and caesar salad

Perogies, farmer sausage, and caesar salad—has got to be the best meal ever!!!!!!!!!!!! Well perogies if pre-made are easy to make. The best way to cook perogies is to boil them and then fry them. The perogies are done once they float to the top. One they are boiled they are still good to eat. I personally just prefer them a little crispy, so i would fry them in a pan with some onions. Farmer sausage is pretty easy to cook, just make sure all the lengths are about even. Put them in the oven, and once the fat starts to come out (white looking substance) they are done. Now caesar salad is one of the easiest things to make. Once the lettuce is in the bowl, I add croutons, and bacon bits. After that you add the caesar dressing to the bowl. Mix it thoroughly until the dressing is evenly distributed.

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